After playtesting and proofing Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, which is burning up kickstarter right now, the Rocky Mountain Savages are bringing new settings and gaming content to life. You'll find an article called "Build your tribe: Success tested strategies to grow your Savage community." by Fuchs and Landauer included in the SWADE World Builder's Guide. And the RMS's top game masters are currently hard at work building new game settings.
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Our first setting is SWAT: Spells, Weapons & Tactics. A Parody Fantasy setting inspired by 90s reality TV/Police Procedurals/and Cop Films where characters play Law Enforcement/Bounty Hunters/RepoMen, etc. working the cold hard streets while being filmed. COPS meets LOTR. Games are organized into Scenes, Episodes, and Seasons and the language of film is used as much as possible to describe the actions. Have a blast riffing on the time-honored tropes of police films as they crash head on in to Fantasy conventions.
We're also assisting to bring Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic to Savage Worlds in an all new edition.
Marginalia is an alt-history setting set in during the Italian Renaissance where unlikely heroes navigate the deadly web of social politics and city-state level warfare secretly aided by the luminaries of the age.
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